Friday, December 5, 2008

The Irony of Running a Comic Book Store is

that I am generally the last person to ask about what is coming up in comics. I read a lot and, while I can remember specifics about books, I generally can't tell you what is happening in upcoming books. What made me realize this is that I was really excited about the new issue of Justice Society. I know, from reading the Previews, that there is a big Black Adam arc coming up. So I assumed it was the end for the Gog storyline. now don't get me wrong. I have been enjoying the storyline. But I thought it was ending, mostly because I am focusing on books 2 months from now. Last Tuesday I had to finalize my order for November and I started looking at the December order book. But this latest issue was from the September order book. That was 3 books ago for me. My memory is not that good.

Trying to keep all of this info in my head has gotten to be too much. Same with subscription customers. I do apologize, but I can no longer remember all of the books you get off the top of my head. I have a fancy dancy program that does that for me. But calling and asking what is coming in for you the next week is now beyond me.

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