Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hello Blog World!

I used to only blog when I felt I had something important to say or something was really bugging me. Which, as I guy who sits in a comic book shop all day, was fairly infrequently. Hence, a barely used blog.

But 2009 is going to be different. (Yeah, I know, you’ve heard that before). This Twitter thing has gotten me in the mood to something daily. Plus I want to create more of an online presence for the store, primarily via eBay, but also to get my name out there and let people know I am here.

So, my plan is to have something out there much more frequently, maybe even every day.

Today was pretty uneventful, mostly just doing a reorder of the gobs of stuff that sold this weekend. It scares me when my weekly reorder is bigger than some of my regular weekly orders in my first year.

Friday night was kind of slow (shopper burn-out) and I had the Freakangels trade on the counter, so I picked it up and started reading. Really good stuff by Warren Ellis and Paul Duffield. Its the story of 12 powered people in London who combined t cause a world catastrophe and how they are dealing with the aftermath. Very interesting stuff and I am eager to see where he is going with this. It is a collection of an online comic, so I got caught up there, but I do highly recommend it.

Not much, but hey, it’s a start.

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