Well, Wednesday should be huge. Civil War 7, Amazing Spider-Man 538 and Brave & Bold 1 are all coming out Wednesday. Hopefully the weather here will be more cooperative than last week, where I only had 3 customers. I had a huge weekend though.
I am also planning my 6 month anniversary sale. It will probably be something simply, like 25% off everything in the store. Hopefully I can move some of the statues and games that have not been selling.
February has been great so far. Am am about $2000 ahead of January at this time and I am hoping for a huge week with the big titles coming out.
Dark Tower #1 has been my biggest selling title by far. I have sold about 45 copies. My preivious champ was Civil War 6 with about 30 copies. Hopefully things will continue to grow.
I am still working on getting the large collections I purchased ready for sale. I will have an 8 foot table full of $1 books and I hope to get some of the better books on eBay soon.
I am also working on redoing my back issue display because I have run out of room for my new books and I need to steal the all that I have an 8 foot table of back issues plus my expensive books display. I will take before and after photos.
Overall things are still going great. No feeling of burnout or distress. I am still having fun every day.
Hopefully this will keep going.
2 years ago